Dinner and Party will be at The Bentley Banquet & Conference Center.
Payment can be made via PayPal or by check. Information for both options are below or click HERE. Please RSVP below or click HERE.
Friday, 16 September 2022
6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
The Bentley Banquet & Conference Center
646 Biddle Ave
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Buffet Style – Round Tables seating up to 10 people
Includes full buffet dinner and non-alcoholic drinks, Cash Bar/Bartender, dance floor, sound system, DJ, professional photographer, and more
Dinner Menu
2 Meat Dishes (Gluten Free)
1 Vegetable Dish
1 Pasta
Salad (Gluten Free)
Rolls & Butter
$45 per person – this price may need to be adjusted.
Please reserve your electronic ticket(s) September 1, 2022. A final attendance count is required one week prior to September 16, additional details will be added as we move forward
Tickets will not be sold at the door
Can be made by using PayPal on our website – www.rhswyan1970.com
or by check sent to –
RHS 1970 Reunion c/o Pat Rauch McMahon
2385 19th Street
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Suggested Dress
Comfortable casual
Who Should Attend
Graduates of January and June of 1970 classes and others who may not have graduated with these classes for various reasons.
If you plan to attend, please feel free to bring a guest with you.
Email Communication
Your memory here
Your Memory Title
Your memory here
Your Memory Title
Your memory here
Your Memory Title
Memory 4
School band
Memory 5
Summer holiday
Memory 6
Happy hour
Linda Batkiewicz (Brucker)
Melford Beaudry
Don Brown
Gary Browne (verify)
Nelson Brown
Kenneth ‘Ken’ Brucker
Karen Bryson
Bill Caruso
Bruce Collins
Al Consiglio
William ‘Bill’ Conway
Debbie Cowie
Judy Thomas Cywinski
Christine DeLucia
Walt Denman
Dennis Derrick
Bill Dionne
Kathy Ebrahimi (Renaud)
Mike Favot
Don Fronczak
Ron Fronczak
Bill Gage
Jill Gallimore
Elizabeth Gentiles
Jerry Glotfelty
Margorie Goins
Lemar Gray
Ray Grooms
Gloria Guffey
Paul Harris
Kathy Hart (Maloney)
Robert ‘Bob’ Hart
Jerry Johns
JoEllen Kazmierski (Grill)
James Keedy
Ken Klosterhaus
Marilyn Kovach
Nora Lacy
Gary Ludy
Rich Malinowski
John Mann
Vince Maisano
Lorie Meneffe
Paul Milligan
Charles Mills
Tom Montry
Lois Nogoski
David Olsen
Nancy Passalacqua
Rosemary Pahl
Kathy Reames
Linda Sage
Jack Sarazin
Rodney ‘Rod’ Shafer
Fay Simpson (Strochine)
Jim Singbiel
Terry Skok
Nancy Stacks
Karen Stewart
Frank Stogeria
Mike Stoner
William ‘Bill’ Swiecki
Sidney Thomas
Phil Tocco
John Wieclaw
The Wyandotte Roosevelt High School Class of 1970 is looking for sponsors for our 50th +2 Class Reunion. Several events will be held at various venues around Wyandotte the weekend of September 16 – 18. We expect upwards of 200 people in attendance. We are offering four levels of sponsorship:
Merrill Lynch.
We are looking for two to four sponsors. Refreshment sponsors will receive recognition on large boards strategically placed in the hall and a half page ad in the program.
We are looking for gift sponsors to pay for mementos. An 8½” x 11” poster near each gift will recognize the gift sponsor and a 2½” x 2” ad in the program.
We are looking for twenty sponsors for each of the tables at the dinner banquet Friday night. Each sponsor will have a 4¼” x 5½” table card acknowledging their contribution.
There is an opportunity to purchase an ad in the program. Can’t make it? Leave a message in the program for everyone to see.
Half page ad: $100
Quarter page ad: $50
Eighth page ad $25
Gift certificates and/or items will be greatly appreciated. Sponsors will be listed on an 8½” x 11” poster at the registration table.
Table and certificate sponsors will have their name acknowledged in the program. We ask all sponsors to provide logos and desired ad copy in electronic form. Please contact TBD by email at sponsorship@TBD for more information or to submit logos and ad copy. Invoices are available on request. Please make checks payable to: “RHS Class of 1970 Reunion” send to c/o Pat Rauch McMahon
2385 19th Street, Wyandotte, MI 48192 or through PayPal (treasurer@TBD).
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
1333 Heritage Center Drive
Southgate, MI 48195
Phone: (800) 370-3469
Free Breakfast
Airport shuttle bus
A small conference room is available that is adjacent to the breakfast area
Cost: Group Rates – $110 or $115 per night, depending on number of beds and amenities
Pay By Check
If you are paying by Check then make your check out to
“RHS Class of 1970 Reunion” and mail it to
c/o Treasurer Pat Rauch McMahon
2385 19th Street
Wyandotte, MI 48192
*** Include your e-Mail address so we can ***
*** send you your electronic ticket(s) ***
Make sure to include the cost for all events that you plan on attending
Pay Using PayPal
If paying by PayPal then select the option(s) below and
*** pay like you normally do on PayPal ***
50th +2 Reunion Dinner: $45.00 per person
Event: Filled
Refreshment: Filled
Gift: $120.00
Please add a note to you PayPal transaction indicating what you are purchasing, including the number of tickets. This helps us keep our records straight and minimize calling to verify your purchase(s)
Thank you for adding your note