Roosevelt High School Class of 1970

Class Reunion
3rd Attempt



RHS 1970 50th +2 Reunion Update as of 09/15/2022

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Our 50+2 Class Reunion will take place from SEPTEMBER 16-18, 2022

Greetings 1970 Classmates from RHS 1970 50th +2 Reunion Committee of Wyandotte RHS Classes of January and June 1970!

More About COVID Protocol


Some have asked about the COVID protocol for our Friday evening dinner and party at The Bentley. Here it is.


* Masks are both optional and welcome depending on personnel preferences. For those of you who don’t have one with you, there will be the pleated type of masks available – in light blue and dark turquoise.


* Comfortable wrist bands will be available to wear in the following colors:


      – green for closer contact and hugs, handshakes and high fives.


      – yellow for elbow touching only


      – red for please keep a respectful distance of about 6 feet; This will help protect those who are vulnerable or immune compromised.


* These are being offered so we won’t have to explain or back away when our classmates are greeting us or coming close.


      – Hand sanitizer in big bottles will be available in the ballroom


      – Just do the sensible things for safety, like coughing in your sleeve if you have allergies and keeping some Kleenex in your pockets and using it if necessary.


      – Consider taking a COVID home test tomorrow morning.


      – Consider taking your temperature today and before heading toward The Bentley tomorrow.

More About Safety Protocol.

The Bentley is providing a few tables at an attached outdoor patio area, so if you’re inclined to eat outside, please use this option. This area is not for those who smoke. Please go outside through the front door to smoke. Thank you for your consideration!

DRESS GUIDELINES – comfortable business type casual.

No ties, no sports jackets.

No formal dresses or sequins. Except if you have some on a top you plan to wear.

Have questions? Please call or text Donna Ellis Thornthwaite at (281) 543-7098


Where did this idea for the wrist bands come from? Russ Frank. He and his wife Laurie got married a year ago in September and they had these available for their guests.

Russ planned on attending our 50th +2 Reunion, sadly however, he is now in the hospital going through chemotherapy and bone transplants for a type of blood cancer. We’ll share more details and pictures of him and his wife soon. As always, he supports our reunion parties and would have traveled from the Chicago area to join us.

Please take lots of pictures at our reunion and post them on our Facebook group page. We will upload them here as well after this weekend.

A few of our plans for the weekend schedule of activities and venues have changed. Please see the additions and changes below. If further changes must be made we will post them on our Facebook Group site – Classes of 1970 Wyandotte RHS January and June Grads and as a note at the top of this web site. We encourage everyone to join this group. Joining the group does not mean you are committing to attend our reunion. It is a social group and a way to keep in touch with each other and to announce our reunion activities and dates. Thank you all for sending us information about our classmates and yourselves and for contributing to posts and general conversations. After our September 16-18 reunion, we will continue to use this Facebook group page.

*** What EXPENSES are INVOLVED ***
Price of The Bentley dinner and venue, decorations, party gift, photographer throughout the weekend activities, program booklet, music DJ and more.

*** Additional Group Activities ***
Arrangements include a Saturday morning tour of RHS, a Saturday afternoon Wyandotte history presentation at Bacon Memorial Library, golf, a group breakfast on Sunday morning and possibly more – details and activities to be announced at the Friday evening dinner and party.

The boat ride was cancelled because the boat no longer routinely docks at Wyandotte and the charges for that to happen are far too expensive. If people want to take the boat ride they must pay for tickets and board in Detroit. Golf fees must be paid when arriving at the course. The group breakfast is not included in the $45.00 per person charge. That charge only covers the Friday night dinner and party at The Bentley Banquet and Conference Center.

*** How You Can Help ***
Please send your contact information to our group email address :
Name (please include married and maiden name for women), Address, Email, Facebook (name), Mobile Number, Landline number.

Our goal is to reach as many of our classmates as possible. Fortunately, electronic communications are a wonderful gift. Please help inform your 1970 friends by sharing our Facebook group page and website address and continue to spread the news by direct phone calls and contacting family members and friends of friends. A good number of our classmates have already helped in using these types of connections. Again, thank you!

*** Reunion Committee Members ***
Donna Ellis-Thornthwaite, Estella Macintyre Johnson, Al Hanlon, Pat Rauch McMahon, Jean Bogart Miller, Alana Branch Paluszewski, Paula Bunce Witting, Jan McCaskey-Hodge Yontz, Connie Caldwell Young, Debbie Brohl Pickering, Ken Varga (Class of 69, volunteer website creator)

Reserve & Pay

What, When, & Where

Welcome to the RHS class of 1970 50th +2 Reunion. Listed below are the times, locations, and events planned for this celebration. Catch up with old friends, Relive old memories and create new ones. Come be a part of this special time.

Dinner & Party

Dinner and Party will be at The Bentley Banquet & Conference Center.

Payment can be made via PayPal or by check.  Information for both options are below or click HERE.  Please RSVP below or click HERE.

Friday, 16 September 2022
6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
The Bentley Banquet & Conference Center
646 Biddle Ave
Wyandotte, MI 48192

Buffet Style – Round Tables seating up to 10 people
Includes full buffet dinner and non-alcoholic drinks, Cash Bar/Bartender, dance floor, sound system, DJ, professional photographer, and more

School Tour

Come and walk the halls of RHS.  Relive your memories from 50 years ago.  Look at the changes since we graduated.  Please RSVP below or click HERE.

Saturday, 17 September 2022
10:00 AM

Roosevelt High School
540 Eureka
Wyandotte, MI


Wyandotte History Presentation

Enjoy learning about the history of Wyandotte with old friends at Bacon Memorial Library.  Please RSVP below or click HERE.

Saturday, 17 September 2022
2:00 PM

Bacon Memorial Library
45 Vinewood St
Wyandotte, MI


Dinner Menu
2 Meat Dishes (Gluten Free)
1 Vegetable Dish
1 Pasta
Salad (Gluten Free)
Rolls & Butter

$45 per person – this price  may need to be adjusted.

Please reserve your electronic ticket(s) September 1, 2022.  A final attendance count is required one week prior to September 16, additional details will be added as we move forward
Tickets will not be sold at the door

Can be made by using PayPal on our website –

or by check sent to

RHS 1970 Reunion c/o Pat Rauch McMahon
2385 19th Street
Wyandotte, MI 48192 

Suggested Dress
Comfortable casual

Who Should Attend
Graduates of January and June of 1970 classes and others who may not have graduated with these classes for various reasons.

If you plan to attend, please feel free to bring a guest with you.

Email Communication


Enjoy playing golf with old friends.  The groups will be 4 people in size.  This is for NINE holes of golf.  Please RSVP below or click HERE.

Time TBD
Location: TBD

TBD per person

Sunday Morning Brunch

Enjoy gathering for brunch with old friends at Whiskeys Restaurant. Please RSVP below or click HERE.

Sunday, 18 September 2022
10:00 AM

Location: Whiskeys Restaurant

Payable at the Door

Pictures From The Past

Scenes From our Yearbook

Our Teachers

The People Who Helped Mold Us


January Class

The January 1970


June Class

The June 1970


The Gallery

Scenes From RHS



Our memories from back in the day

Your memory here

April ’70 – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Your memory here

April ’70 – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Your memory here

April ’70 – Your Name

Your Memory Title

Memory 4

December ’70

School band

Memory 5

July ’70

Summer holiday

Memory 6

June ’70

Happy hour

Have any good high school memories that you would like to share?

    Your Name

    Memory Month/Year

    Your Memory

    Gone Too Soon

    Classmates who are no longer with us
    List as of 10 July 2022

    If there are misspellings, other mistakes or 1970 January and June Classmates who are deceased and who are not on this list, please let us know at or contact Donna Ellis at Thank you. Your help in updating this list is appreciated.

    Linda Batkiewicz (Brucker)

    Melford Beaudry

    Don Brown

    Gary Browne (verify)

    Nelson Brown

    Kenneth ‘Ken’ Brucker

    Karen Bryson

    Bill Caruso

    Bruce Collins

    Al Consiglio

    William ‘Bill’ Conway

    Debbie Cowie

    Judy Thomas Cywinski

    Christine DeLucia

    Walt Denman

    Dennis Derrick

    Bill Dionne

    Kathy Ebrahimi (Renaud)

    Mike Favot

    Don Fronczak

    Ron Fronczak

    Bill Gage

    Jill Gallimore

    Elizabeth Gentiles

    Jerry Glotfelty

    Margorie Goins

    Lemar Gray

    Ray Grooms

    Gloria Guffey

    Paul Harris

    Kathy Hart (Maloney)

    Robert ‘Bob’ Hart

    Jerry Johns

    JoEllen Kazmierski (Grill)

    James Keedy

    Ken Klosterhaus

    Marilyn Kovach

    Nora Lacy

    Gary Ludy

    Rich Malinowski

    John Mann

    Vince Maisano

    Lorie Meneffe

    Paul Milligan

    Charles Mills

    Tom Montry

    Lois Nogoski

    David Olsen

    Nancy Passalacqua

    Rosemary Pahl

    Kathy Reames

    Linda Sage

    Jack Sarazin

    Rodney ‘Rod’ Shafer

    Fay Simpson (Strochine)

    Jim Singbiel

    Terry Skok

    Nancy Stacks

    Karen Stewart

    Frank Stogeria

    Mike Stoner

    William ‘Bill’ Swiecki

    Sidney Thomas

    Phil Tocco

    John Wieclaw

    Once in a Lifetime Event

    50 years is quite an accomplishment.  Come out and celebrate with the people you grew up with.  Please let us know if you can attend or not.  The next few sections are to allow the reunion committee to “fine tune” the events to maximize everyone’s enjoyment and level of participation.

    Please Respond

    The 50+2 reunion committee is working to have multiple events during our reunion while keeping the cost to a minimum. Please reply and indicate whether you will be able to attend any of these events. Your time is greatly appreciated.

      Your Name

      Your Email

      SubjectWyandotte RHS 1970 50th +2 Reunion

      Will you attend

      Number of Attendees

      I Will attend the School Tour

      I Will attend the Wyandotte History event

      I Will attend the Golf event

      I Will attend the Sunday Brunch event

      *** Check the box below to ADD your name as an attendee ***
      *** on the website ***



      The following people have committed to attend the RHS Class of 1970 50th+2 Reunion

      Last Update: 10 August 2022


      We are attempting to keep the ticket fees as low as possible. Please visit our web site to find out more about how local businesses and individuals can help in this effort. Please contact Jean Bogart Miller for additional information at 734.218.2078 or

      The Wyandotte Roosevelt High School Class of 1970 is looking for sponsors for our 50th +2 Class Reunion. Several events will be held at various venues around Wyandotte the weekend of September 16 – 18.  We expect upwards of 200 people in attendance. We are offering four levels of sponsorship:

      EVENT SPONSOR: $600
      Merrill Lynch.

      We are looking for two to four sponsors. Refreshment sponsors will receive recognition on large boards strategically placed in the hall and a half page ad in the program.

      GIFT SPONSORS: $120
      We are looking for gift sponsors to pay for mementos. An 8½” x 11” poster near each gift will recognize the gift sponsor and a 2½” x 2” ad in the program.

      We are looking for twenty sponsors for each of the tables at the dinner banquet Friday night. Each sponsor will have a 4¼” x 5½” table card acknowledging their contribution.

      There is an opportunity to purchase an ad in the program.  Can’t make it?  Leave a message in the program for everyone to see.

      Half page ad: $100
      Quarter page ad: $50
      Eighth page ad $25

      Gift certificates and/or items will be greatly appreciated. Sponsors will be listed on an 8½” x 11” poster at the registration table.

      Table and certificate sponsors will have their name acknowledged in the program.  We ask all sponsors to provide logos and desired ad copy in electronic form.  Please contact TBD by email at sponsorship@TBD for more information or to submit logos and ad copy.  Invoices are available on request. Please make checks payable to: “RHS Class of 1970 Reunion” send to c/o Pat Rauch McMahon
      2385 19th Street, Wyandotte, MI 48192 or through PayPal (treasurer@TBD).

        Your Name

        Your Email

        SubjectSponsor – Wyandotte RHS 1970 50th +2 Reunion

        I want to be a Gift sponsor: Cost $120

        I want to be a Table sponsor: Cost $30

        I want to be a Gift Certificate sponsor



        Group rates for the weekend of September 16-18 are available at two hotels in Southgate. Please let them know you are with the 1970 RHS 50th +2 Class Reunion. Both hotels have airport shuttle busses and serve breakfast. Holiday Inn Express & Suites has a small conference room available on the other side of their breakfast area seating that can be reserved at no expense for small groups. Don’t hesitate to check online with AAA or AARP to check for a cheaper rate. *Given our change of date, these prices and hotel accommodations may change, the hotels may change and other hotel venues added.

        Both hotels have an airport shuttle bus and serve breakfast

        Holiday Inn Express & Suites

        1333 Heritage Center Drive
        Southgate, MI 48195
        Phone: (800) 370-3469

        Free Breakfast

        Airport shuttle bus

        A small conference room is available that is adjacent to the breakfast area

        Cost: Group Rates – $110 or $115 per night, depending on number of beds and amenities

        Holiday Inn Express & Suites

        Hampton Inn

        13555 Prechter Blvd
        Southgate, MI 48195
        Phone: (855) 479-0732

        Free Breakfast

        Airport shuttle bus

        Cost: Group Rates – $124 or $134 per night, depending on number of beds and amenities

        Hampton Inn

        Reserve and Pay

        Reunion Payment can be made by either Check or PayPal for Your Dinner and Party Seats

        Pay By Check

        If you are paying by Check then make your check out to

        “RHS Class of 1970 Reunion” and mail it to

        c/o Treasurer Pat Rauch McMahon
        2385 19th Street
        Wyandotte, MI 48192

        *** Include your e-Mail address so we can ***
        *** send you your electronic ticket(s)  ***

        Make sure to include the cost for all events that you plan on attending

        Pay Using PayPal

        If paying by PayPal then select the option(s) below and
        *** pay like you normally do on PayPal ***

        Events & Prices

        All RHS Class of 1970 50th +2 Reunion events and sponsorship are listed below. Add all the event prices up and add an itemized list in the "NOTE" box on the PayPal site for what you are attending. Thank you for adding the note. Without the note we do not know what events you want to attend.

        50th +2 Reunion Dinner: $45.00 per person

        Event: Filled
        Refreshment: Filled
        Gift: $120.00


        Please add a note to you PayPal transaction indicating what you are purchasing, including the number of tickets.  This helps us keep our records straight and minimize calling to verify your purchase(s)

        Thank you for adding your note

        Event & Sponsor Calculator
